DEMO breeder  
Summary of last TD, at:12.06.2024; 10 cows in MR
Milk yied on TD Fat to protein ration help Urea
Milk, kg 224
Fat, % 3,87
Protein, % 3,64
SCC (x1000) 763
Exploting of milk potential help
Tendency No. (%)
Increasing 3 (30,0%)
Stagnant 2 (20,0%)
Decreasing 4 (40,0%)
Months after calving Bulk SSC per month Inseminations/ Expected calvings
1. Inseminated cows: 14 (66,7%)
3. Heifers, older than 1 year: 7 (33,3%)
Insemination service in last 365 days
  All AI With young bulls
All cows 48 8
Primiparous cows 14 8
Bulls out of BP 0  
pomočVsebnosti sečnine zadnjih 5 let pomočVsebnosti sečnine po mesecih Legend
help Temperature humidity
index between 73 and 77
Ventilation systems and housing Hydrometeorological data
Moderate risk of heat stress
Mechanical ventilation system
Natural ventilation system
Inappropriate ventilation system
Pasture during the daytime and barns with
free exit to outside lot during the nighttime
The nearest weather station
Recommendations for reduction of heat stress
effect for dairy cows
- Cooling and ventilation of barns
- Cooling of animals
- Feedstuff and feeding
- Watering of animals
Date:27.07.2024 at 10:40
Moisture 62%
Temperature 26,0oC
Pressure 1016 hPa
Wind - speed and orientation 2 km/h V